Were nothing is as it seems

The Chakra Points

The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word Cakra meaning "wheel". They are centres of energy within the body that when kept in balance with each other and fully energised, can lead to a physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The seven main chakras are found along the spine (base to crown of skull) and correspond with five main nerve ganglia of the spinal column and the upper and lower areas of the brain. Minor chakras can be found throughout the body from the fingers to the toes. When one or more are out of balance (by either being blocked, under-active or over-active), physical and emotional issues can present in the body or a general feeling off being off-centre can occur.

The seven main chakras are: Root (or Base), Sacral (or Naval), Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye (or Brow) and Crown, which are show on the diagram to the left. In recent times, the 'discovery' of an 8th major chakra called the Thymus Chakra or Second Heart Chakra located in the left chest has become more recognised, but is not yet accepted in most models of the energetic system of the body. Each chakra has its own features and associations.

The Root Chakra - Muladhara
Colour: Red (also associated with brown and black)
Chakra Number: 1
Element: Earth
Deities: Ganesha, Indra, Brahma, Dakini
Animal: Elephant with seven trunks (Airavata)
Musical Note: C
Sense: Smell
Auric Layer: Etheric and the physical body
Aromatherapy Oil: Patchouli or Geranium
Location: Base of the spine
Keywords: Earthing, grounding, the desire for life, animal instincts, survival instincts.

The Root Chakra links us with the Earth and the Earth energy and is the energy centre for the survival instinct and animal nature. It links us to the physical, provides us with solid energy (strength) and ensures that we keep grounded.

Physical: Associated with the adrenal glands, kidneys, muscles and the blood. When out of balance it can lead to problems such as lower back pain such as sciatica, depression, CFS, kidney disorders, muscle tiredness and weakness, low in the body tumours and blood disorders.
Emotional/Mental: This chakra controls the instincts of survival, self esteem, family ties, security and loyalty. A healthy chakra will provide the body with assertiveness, courage and strength of will. Signs that the root Chakra is out of balance can be: lack of energy, insecurity, self-pity, tiredness, aggressiveness, fear, selfishness, loss of will to engage in the surrounding environment, obsession, possessiveness and/or volatile emotions (although this will be linked with the Solar Plexus Chakra to).
Spiritual Lessons: Materialism
Associated Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Bloodstone, Jarosite, Poppy Jasper, Obsidian, Snakeskin Jasper, Ruby, Sardonyx, Smokey Quartz, Chiastolite.
To balance: Use red/brown/black/metal crystals, surround yourself with these colours, eat red or brown food.

Affirmation: "I have"

The Sacral Chakra - Swadhisthana
Colour: Orange
Chakra Number: 2
Element: Water
Deities: Varuna, Visnu, Rakini
Animal: Crocodile
Musical Note: D
Sense: Taste
Auric Layer: Emotional
Aromatherpay Oil: Jasmine or Sandalwood
Location: Naval
Keywords: Sexual Energy, creativity, self worth, pleasure

The Sacral Chakra links us to our sexuality, reproduction, basic emotions (for example anger, and joy), dreams and creativity.

Physical: Processes in the body to do with liquid elimination and the reproductive cycle. When out of balance physical conditions can include; testicular/ovarian issues, kidney/bladder infections, impotence, liver conditions, spleen problems, gallbladder issues or lack of libido.
Emotional/Mental: Creativity and the fire aspect of our personalities comes from the Sacral Chakra, artists and actors often have very open centres here. When blocked we can find ourselves lacking in enthusiasm or imagination. Because this chakra is also linked to the base emotions, issues such as feelings of guilt, blame, power control and morality can be affected by an imbalance leading to mood swings and over emotion and a withdrawn nature.
Spiritual Lessons: Establishing relationships, self worth and creativity
Associated Crystals: Carnelian, Moonstone, Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz.
To balance: Use orange crystals, surround yourself with these colours, eat orange food, take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil.

Affirmation: "I feel"

The Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
Colour: Yellow
Chakra Number: 3
Element: Fire
Deities: Vahini, Rudra, Lakini
Animal: Ram
Musical Note: E
Sense: Sight
Auric Layer: Mental
Aromatherapy Oil: Lemon or Marjoram
Location: Below the sternum at the meeting of the rib cage
Keywords: Personal power, the 'Life Force' or Prana, mental perception of the emotions

The Solar Plexus is also know as the Power Chakra and is the home of our emotions and sense of identity.

Physical: Associated with the digestive system and nervous system along with the liver and skin. Imbalances in this chakra can show as poor digestion, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis and organ malfunction and subsequent conditions.
Emotional/Mental: Being the true centre of emotions, if the Solar Plexus is out of balance then many conditions can occur such as; low self esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, fears of secrets being found out, indecisiveness and stress. Signs that the chakra are out of balance could include a difficulty in concentrating, sarcasm, making poor judgements or an increased ego. A healthy Solar Plexus would invoke feelings of alertness, confidence, optimism and wit.
Spiritual Lessons: Self love and acceptance of ones place in the Universe
Associated Crystals: Tigers Eye, Amber, Bronzite, Honey Opal, Pyrite, Citrine, Yellow Jasper.
To balance: Use yellow crystals, surround yourself with this colour, eat yellow food, take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil.

Affirmation: "I can"

The Heart Chakra - Anahata
Colour: Green or Pink
Chakra Number: 4
Element: Air
Deities: Vayu, Isha, Kakini
Animal: Antelope
Musical Note: F
Sense: Touch
Auric Layer: Astral
Aromatherapy Oil: Rose or Ylang Ylang
Keywords: Love, respect, compassion
Location: Horizontal and vertical centre of sternum.

The Heart Chakra is one of the most important chakras as it acts as a balance between the lower three and upper three chakras. It is associated with love, the universal consciousness and relationships.

Physical: This chakra is linked to the heart and circulatory system, the lower lungs, the upper appendages and the thymus gland (immune system). Signs that it is unbalanced with physical manifestations can include; Heart conditions, respiratory problems, Upper back pain, a poor immune system, blood diseases, chest cancers, asthma and shoulder problems. Working on this chakra for those attempting to beat addictions can be very beneficial.
Emotional/Mental: Pertaining to love in general the effects of an unhealthy heart chakra can include trust issues, trouble with relationships, incapable of healing from the past, unable to feel/give love. These can lead to emotions such as fear, hate, envy and anger creeping in. A healthy Heart Chakra will bring compassion, harmony, balance and love.
Generally if the Heart Chakra is unbalanced then the other chakras will be affected.
Spiritual Lessons: Self love and acceptance of ones place in the Universe
Associated Crystals: Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Chrysocolla, Rhodonite, Kunzite, Pink Agate, Aventurine, Mangano Calcite, Dioptase, Ocean Jasper, Hiddenite, Sunstone.
To balance: Use green and pink crystals, surround yourself with these colours, eat green or pink food, take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil.

Affirmation: "I love"

The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha
Colour: Blue/Cyan
Chakra Number: 5
Element: Ether
Deities: Ambara, Sadahive, Shakini
Animal: Elephant
Musical Note: G
Sense: Hearing
Auric Layer: Etheric
Aromatherapy Oil: Eucalyptus or Chamomile
Keywords: Communication, self expression, endurance
Location: The throat

The Throat Chakra aids communication and self expression. It allows us to voice our opinions and be heard in the world.

Physical: In the body, this chakra is associated with the upper lungs, respiratory system, mouth, ears, nose and the thyroid gland. Linked to the voice box and voice, imbalances in this chakra can manifest as a weak voice, sore throat, laryngitis, colds, TMJ issues, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, cold sores along with thyroid disorders.
Emotional/Mental: Personal expression is one of the biggest emotional issues with this chakra. When unbalanced one can find themselves unable to express themselves properly or find the right words to say which can lead to lying. Other conditions that can arise include shyness, introversion and disempowerment. A healthy throat chakra enables loyalty, trustworthiness and tact.
Spiritual Lessons: Faith, truthfulness and surrender to the will of the Divine
Associated Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, Larimar, Andean Opal, Celestite, Aqua Aura.
To balance: Use blue crystals, surround yourself with this colour, eat blue food (if you can find any!), take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil.  Sing, chant, hum or even scream!

Affirmation: "I speak"

The Third Eye Chakra - Ajna
Colour: Lilac or Indigo
Chakra Number: 6
Element: Inner Sound
Deities: Ardhanarishivara, Hakini
Musical Note: A
Sense: Psychic
Auric Layer: Celestial
Aromatherapy Oil: Rosemary or Juniper
Keywords: Psychic intuition, meditation, the 6th sense, telepathy
Location: On the brow of the head

The Third Eye or Brow Chakra is our link to the spiritual world, it's where our intelligence, intuition and the sixth sense 'live'. It is also our perception centre, where we understand the environment around us.

Physical: This chakra is linked to the eyes, nose, ears, skeletal system, nervous system and the pituitary gland. Imbalances can bring forward issues with the above systems in the body, tumours in the brain, strokes, seizures, headaches, lack of concentration and learning disabilities.
Emotional/Mental: When out of balance, this chakra can cause confusion and problems with how we perceive things. Confusion, indecision, the inability to see the larger picture in life, being blinkered a flaky disposition or preoccupation can all be apparent. A healthy third eye brings intuition, clear sight and integrity,
Spiritual Lessons: Open mindedness and detachment
Associated Crystals: Benitoite, Iolite, Sodalite, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Charoite, Lapis Lazuli, Sugalite.
To balance: Use indigo crystals, surround yourself with these colours, eat indigo food (again, if you can find any!), take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil. Meditate, try a floatation tank therapy, or use watercolours to express the spiritual side.

Affirmation: "I see"

The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Colour: White or Violet
Chakra Number: 7
Element: Inner Light
Deities: The source
Musical Note: B
Sense: ESP
Auric Layer: Ketheric
Aromatherapy oil: Frankincense or Lavender
Keywords: Intuition, awareness, spirituality, connection with the Source, empathy, unity
Location: On the top (crown) of the head

The Crown Chakra is often seen as the controller of the other chakras, linking the Universe with the individual (much as the Root Chakra links the Earth with the individual).

Physical: Associated with the pineal gland, brain and central nervous system, but linked with every system in the body, problems with this chakra can manifest all over the body as such conditions as co-ordination difficulties, poor balance and clumsiness, genetic disorders, Sclerosis', cancers of the bone and migraines.
Emotional/Mental: When our Crown Chakra is not balanced, we shut ourselves off from the Universe (or flood ourselves with it) which can lead to the inability to think or have new thoughts, a lack of spiritual exploration, apathy, depression, unsociability, little concern for others, feelings of superiority and an argumentative personality. When working well the Crown Chakra brings a love for all life, sacrifice and idealism.
Spiritual Lessons: Development and Integration of the self with the Divine.
Associated Crystals: Danburite, Amethyst, Selenite, Phenakite, Lemurian Quartz, Hemimorphite, Snow Quartz, Herkimer Diamond.
To balance: Use violet, clear, white or gold crystals, surround yourself with these colours, eat these colours in food, take a bath with a few drops of the associated aromatherapy oil. Do volunteer work, spiritual work, energy channelling or meditation.

Affirmation: "I know"

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