Were nothing is as it seems

Peaceful Out Of Body Experience

“…..I will scream.” That was my last thought before IT happened.

Earlier that morning my husband had thrown a punch at me that narrowly missed, putting a hole in the wall. I had just found out that he had an addiction to gambling that had cost him his job, our savings and he had run us into debt and nearly lost our home. In a frightening rage he pushed and shoved me as he swung at me.

For two weeks I had been staying at the hospital with my 2yr. old grandson, who was near death. My daughter and I took turns going in to intensive care to help as little as we could. Then, I had to return home and to work. That Sunday is when all my husbands secrets and lies came to a head. I knew my marriage was in big trouble. I was drowning in sadness.

As I narrowly avoided another punch, I grabbed my purse and hurried to work, hastily wiping away tears. It was my job as receptionist at a private high school to greet and assist parents and visitors. But, this day I simply thought “If I have to smile one more time…I will scream.”

At that moment I felt a magnetic pull and my ‘energy’ left my body. I am weightless and happy, no pain, peace and love is what I have become. I look down and see the lady sitting at the desk, she is far away. I relate to her with gratitude, and the kind of love and affection one would have for a splendid coat that protected you from the affects of life. But, now I no longer needed it’s covering. I didn’t really think of her as me, but as something that had shielded me for a long time.

I looked around me and saw floating, wavering images, and I felt a lovely peacefulness (later I could only describe it like floating underwater, where all is quiet and there’s no heavy bodily weight). It was dark but I could see clearly, and I felt love, happiness, and carefree joy. I knew the answer to things I didn’t even know to ask about. And all the answers were true and good.

Then WHAM! that quickly I had returned to my body. A co-worker passing my desk stopped suddenly and said, “What’s wrong you look as white as a ghost!” In a shaky voice I asked her to take my desk. I rushed to the ladies room thinking is this what a nervous break-down is like?

Tears of fear ran freely down my face. I needed help. My supervisor, who was also the campus minister, let me cry as I explained what had happened. He gently told me that I had had an out of body experience. He said “It’s likely that your soul, knowing your need for peace, absented your body. You have been truly blessed.”

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