Were nothing is as it seems


I'll preface by saying that all of my dreams are bazaar. Actually, bazaar doesn't even begin to describe them, they don't even take place in this world usually, and they all involve me and some body of water, no exaggeration. I have never however, had one like this.

It starts out as I am taking my mid-day nap (when most of my craziest and sometimes prophetic dreams occur). In this particular dream sequence which I remember distinctly, I start out in a doctor's office with my bf where they tell me that there is no reason for my headaches, no cerebral anomalies or sinus infections what so ever. Just a side note, I get headaches every day, and will be going in to neurologists in December to find out why I have my headaches. Back to the dream though.

The next thing I remember is dreaming that I was sleeping (yes,weird) and I lay there and slept, and then woke up (in my dream) and looked to the left of my bed where I spotted a lamp that looked particularly familiar because it was my brother's. This still eludes me because my brother is 7.5 hours away as I am at college alone in my single suite room. I remember thinking in my dream that I should wake up, and turn my head the other direction toward the closet doors on my right. I begin to sit up and get out of my bed, and as I try to put my feet on the floor, instead of landing on solid ground, I begin to float, first vertically, then more laying on my stomach with my arms out to the sides. I move through the air towards the closet doors, and notice more and more this feeling of weightlessness. It wasn't until my floating body turned around that I was petrified..I began to hover across my bed, and underneath me I notice my body laying in the exact position in which I remember falling asleep in real life.

What is even more fearful, is that I begin to feel the sensation of not being able to breath. Eventually, the suffocation is so extreme that it can only be described as my throat being glued shut. My mouth could open, but I could not bring in any air as I floated toward the wall with my window. My room looked exactly as it did before I went to sleep. The only thing that seemed to be different is that the room appeared a bit more dim. It was still light outside as I could see the light coming in through the blinds, but everything was more gray-navy tint.

As I got closer and closer to the wall,right before I think I would have gone through it, which I somehow instinctively knew that I would be able to go through, my eyes open to the room that is bright again, and I am staring at my closet doors having a hard time breathing. I can feel my lungs expanding, but not the air coming down my throat and I'm not certain that I am until I can feel that tingling in my chest when my lungs have reached their full capacity after a deep breath. I've had a panic attack before, but never as I wake up. I still recall thinking to myself: "What just happened? That couldn't have been possible!" And I can never be sure whether I stopped breathing in my sleep and that is why my soul left my body, or my soul left my body because I wasn't breathing as I was sleeping.

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