Were nothing is as it seems

Zombie Spirit Bottle

A ghost or spirit is bound within each Zombie Spirit Bottle having been captured by use of a voodoo hoodoo ritual spell known only to Bianca, the powerful New Orleans Voodoo Queen. Often a bottle will contain more than one spirit, but all are compelled to do your bidding alone: once in your possession, it will aid you alone and only you will control the Zombie spirit residing within the bottle. A Ju-Ju Bottle is a blessed object that is said to keep evil and negativity at bay.

Bianca makes no claims as to the Zombie Spirit Bottle dolls actually granting wishes but does acknowledge that strange things have been known to happen when one is in possession of one of these unique fetishes. The uses of the Zombie Spirit Bottles is as varied as the imagination of the owner, though many people like to place them beside their front door to protect their homes against evil; others are kept in a special place on the mantle where they function is similar to that of the house elemental: they will aggressively protect any they are commanded to serve. Others are given special spots on home altars where they are regularly fed with spicy meals and rum, and where money is offered to them. Still others are simply kept as Voodoo collectibles.

Many ghost hunters and paranormal investigators have purchased or obtained Voodoo Spirit Bottles for themselves and have subjected the bottles to study to determine if there is something paranormal about them. But as Bianca says, the actual truth of voodoo is in believing and many agree that a strong belief is all that is required to receive the aid of the spirits inside the bottle. Many believers claim the spirits inside speak or sigh and that strange, inexplicable events of bad luck can occur when the spirits feel neglected or unhappy.

Zombie Spirit Bottles can be kept for years, however, many people claim they know when their spirit wants to be set free of servitude. When this time comes, Bianca claims, you will know immediately and it is then that the bottle should be taken out of the home and broken, with the pieces buried at the nearest crossroad or, alternately, in a newly covered grave in any nearby cemetery.

Each Zombie Spirit Bottle is a one of a kind creation and may vary in size, design, and composition; all roughly measure 10-20 inches in height and can weigh up to 10 lbs.

Zombie Spirit Bottles are ritually prepared and then given to an artist to embellish after his or her own unique fashion. This means that each bottle is not only a Voodoo curio but also a desirable and very collectible example of New Orleans folk art. No two bottles are the same and no matter what style you choose you will not be disappointed with the creation you receive.

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