Were nothing is as it seems

Love Spells

Mysteries of the heart haunts us all. Why do we fall in love with one person but not another? Why won’t the person return your affections? Modern science still has not been able to satisfactorily explain the chemical reactions involved with falling in love. If you meet a practitioner of Wicca, he or she will probably have a love spell or two up their sleeves but will always caution that a heart that is not open to love can never be made to open by magical means. Here is a simple, but effective, love spell to call your true love to you.

1 sheet of paper
1 envelope
1 red pen
Your perfume of choice
Your choice of lipstick or lipgloss
Pink or Red Flower Petals

The spell works best if conducted on a Friday night that has a full moon.
First, write the qualities you want in your lover on the paper then spritz the paper with your perfume.
Then fold the paper and put it in the envelope.
Next, hold the flower petals in your right hand and imagine yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals gently
and keeping up the vision in your mind.
Drop the petals into the envelope then seal it and put on your lipstick to place a firm kiss over the seal.
Finally, bury it at the root of either an oak or a willow tree. Never dig it up or open it again or it will break the spell!

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