Were nothing is as it seems

Protection Spells

Protection is an interesting concept in magic. Depending on a person’s point of view, a spell for protection can cover anything from an evil spirit trying to attack a living human or safety on a journey. Knowing exactly what you are requesting protection from is crucial to any type of protection spell. One cannot simply be vague and ask for general protection from any harm (that falls more under the category of a blessing spell). A certain, detailed description of what you are wanting protection from must be implied in the spell in order for it to work.

White, positive energy candle
Photograph of the one you wish to protect
White ribbon

Light the candle and meditate for half an hour about the person you wish to protect
Pick up the photograph of the person you wish to protect and tie the white ribbon around it
Recite–> “I bind your soul from evil and protect you from (insert what you wish to protect them from) that harms
Repeat the chant until you have completely wrapped the photo
Hold the photograph and ribbon over the candle’s flame until it is burned away—place in a nonmetal bowl when it
becomes too hot to hold.
As it finishes burning recite, “So protection shall be.”

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